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Interdisciplinary Yearbook of Business Ethics

The Business Ethics Center published an “Interdisciplinary Yearbook of Business Ethics” by Peter Lang Academic Publishers in 2006 in Oxford.

The yearbook contains papers by leading scholars and practitioners such as:

James G. March (Stanford University): “The Myth of Rationality”,

Stefano Zamagni (University of Bologna): “Ethical Foundation of CSR”,

Werner Ulrich (University of Fribourg): “Boundary Critique: a New Approach to Professional and Business Ethics”,

Gian-Vittorio Caprara and Christina Campana (University of Rome “La Sapienza”): “Moral Disengagement in the Exercise of Civicness”,

Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest): “Ethical Decision Making”,

David Boyle (New Economics Foundation, London): “Authenticity”,

Robert Earhart (TBLI, Amsterdam): “The Maturation of Sustainable Investment”,

Zsolt Boda and Emese Gulyas (Corvinus University of Budapest): “The Ethical Consumerism Movement”,

Frank Dixon (Innovest, New York): “Gross National Happiness, Ecological Sustainability of Business”,

John Gowdy (New York), Ananda Das Gupta (Bangalore), Robert B. Norgaard (Berkeley), and Karl-Henrik Robert (Sweden): “Reflections on Ecological Sustainability”,

Luk Bouckaert (Catholic University of Leuven): “The Ethics Management Paradox”,

Henk van Luijk (Nyenrode Business University), Ronald Bereinbeim (The Conference Board, New York), Deon Rossouw (University of Pretoria), and Robert Elliott Allinson (Soka University of America): “Comments on the Ethics Management Paradox”.