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Gábor Kovács is Assistant Professor at the Business Ethics Center. His fields includes business ethics and Buddhist economics. His book on The Value Orientations of Buddhist and Christian Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Perspective on Spirituality and Business Ethics was published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2020.

András Ócsai is Assistant Professor at the Business Ethics Center. His fields include business ethics and ecological consciousness in business. His book on Ecologically Conscious Organizations: New Business Practices Based on Ecological Commitment was published by Palrgrave-Macmillan in 2021.

Tamas Veress is Junior Assistant Professor at the Business Ethics Center. His fields include economics of the commons and models of community economy. In 2023-2024 he works as Research Fellow of the Economy of Francesco Academy.

Jácint Farkas is a part-time Research Fellow at the Business Ethics Center. His  research interests include Buddhist philosophy, hemeneutics, disabilities, accessibility, and the related management models in different industries, including tourism.

Isaias Rivera is Associate Professor at the the Business Ethics Center. He is an American scholar with a PhD in Philosophy from Loyola University in Chicago. He teaches courses in Globalization and Ethics for undergraduate and graduate students.

Zsolt Boda was member of the Business Ethics Center in 1993-2021. He had contributed to the development of our educational programs and published important papers on various aspects of business ethics, ecological economics and politics. He works as the Director of the Centre for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Research Network and as part-time Professor at the Eötvös Loránd University School of Law in Budapest.

Laszlo Fekete is retired Associate Professor of the Business Ethics Center. He served as member of the Center in 2000-2021 and taught various courses in business ethics. He also contributed to our different research projects on CSR, climate change, and institutional ethics.