The International Conference on “Ethics Education, Interdisciplinarity and Pluriperspectivism” was held in 15-17 June 2023, Zagreb, Croatia.
Zagreb, Croatia
Gabor Kovacs gave a lecture on “Teaching Business Ethics in the Anthropocene” for the conference. He emphasized that as social and economic activities have fundamental influences on planetary processes, the role of business ethics and business ethics education should be reconsidered. Now it is vital to reframe ethics education and to redefine its aims in the light of the reality of the Anthropocene era.
Gabor Kovacs argued that a new approach in business ethics education should integrate not only different scientific perspectives, but various cultural and spiritual traditions. For doing this interdisciplinarity and pluriperspectivism are indispensable. The reality of the Anthropocene urges us to reframe the curriculum of business ethics to address real world problems and to develop new models of ethics education which can respond to the challenges.